Pediatric Rehab Products

Children's Wheelchairs, Walkers and Standers

Kids hold a special spot in our hearts here at REQ! We work tirelessly in order to provide the absolute best pediatric equipment services in the business.

Equipping children is frequently more challenging because of their continued growth and development. The therapist will assess the child's needs now while carefully considering future growth, motor development, and cognitive abilities. These complexities also need to be woven into lifestyle, practical function, and the parent or care giver's abilities and choices. Regardless of the fact that providing equipment to children is considerably more complex, REQ welcomes the challenge and pledges to continually go above and beyond in order to provide the right equipment for your child.

Here are some of our categories and popular products for pediatric rehab. Contact us to schedule showings, demonstrations, or come in and talk to one of our knowledgeable staff.

Pediatric Wheelchairs


Product Spotlight


A power wheelchair to zoom around your world!

The Zippie® ZM-310® combines our smallest, most reliable kids power wheelchair base with clinically proven pediatric seating and positioning options to provide children maximum accessibility and independence.

Pediatric Power Wheelchair Video
See Video
Zippie Wheelchairs Family Brochure
View Brochure

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Strollers can meet a variety of children's needs. They can be an appropriate means of positioning and mobility for the very young child and they can provide a lightweight and easily portable option for the older child.

Some models can serve as a recreational system for access to camp grounds, parks, and other outdoor areas.

Like most pediatric equipment, an assessment is the best method to determine what the goals and priorities are for your child and how this product can best meet your child's and family needs.

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There are many varieties of pediatric wheelchairs and this may be your child's primary positioning and mobility equipment. Many factors contribute to the final equipment selection and in choosing which of the numerous available options, add-ons and sizes best suit your child’s needs. Your child's physical therapist or occupational therapist and a trained pediatric rehabilitation technician specialist from REQ can assist you in making the best choices for your child.

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The use of a wheelchair does not necessarily mean that an assistive walker or gait trainer is not also appropriate for your child's development. Your therapist is the best person to consult with regarding this need.
Effort and patience in the assessment and selection of products for children is particularly important. It is not unusual to try several different pieces of equipment before a good professional judgment can be made. It is important to work with a company like REQ that has decades of experience in assisting with the proper selection of this equipment.

Contact us today and schedule a showing with a qualified, experienced REQ technology specialist.

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